To encourage a collaborative atmosphere and to stay within budget, there is total maximum attendance, including all hosts and presenters. All attendees will be provided food and drink at breakfast, lunch, and breaks both days.

Please note that if you have been extended a “priority invitation,” your seat at the conference is guaranteed, but you still must complete the application linked above, which will act as your registration.

If you would like to attend, you must register even if you have previously contacted event organizers directly. 

If you are neither a presenter nor a priority invitee, please apply as early as possible. We will be awarding seats on a space-available basis while balancing the mix of disciplines represented in the room, so the sooner you apply, the more likely you will be awarded a seat.

For graduate students:
Of the 125 overall slots, 25 are reserved for graduate students receiving travel reimbursement up to $500. These awards will be made competitively. Additionally, graduate students will have the opportunity to submit titles and abstracts for consideration to present in the Graduate Student Top GBA Research Symposium, and those submitting competitive titles and abstracts will be more competitive for travel reimbursement even if not awarded a speaking slot. If you are a graduate student and wish to apply for this opportunity, please have your title and abstract ready when you begin the application above. If you wish to apply for this reimbursement award or as a presenter, you must apply by Friday, May 31, 2019.